Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Staying S.A.N.E. During Election Season: Vote & Chill

Image 1. shows a woman voting. Image 2. shows same woman with a guy at home relaxing.

Welcome to my little survival guide for navigating the treacherous waters of the upcoming election season. In this post, we'll explore some easy strategies for keeping our cool while the U.S. political sphere spins around. Here is my simple acronym to remind us to take care of ourselves: S.A.N.E.

Sane: (adjective) Having a healthy mind; showing good judgment and understanding.

I've never seen so many of us red-faced as with our highly charged political climate. Anxiety is rampant even before casting our votes or awaiting results. This year, I'm taking a different approach. Once I've chosen the candidates I will vote for [see below], I'm shifting my focus back to my life. America is full of stressed-out people sharing memes, articles, and engaging in debates. While I've done my fair share in the past, this year it feels fruitless so instead I will make my decisions, vote, and chill. 

Here's how I hope to keep my sanity:

S - Shut Off: Unplugging for Mental Health

In the midst of political noise, I will disconnect. I will set boundaries to limit news and social media. Instead, I have decided to engage in more offline activities and rediscover some hobbies or try some new ones.

A - Actively Disengage Arguments: Navigating Political Discourse

I will still challenge divisive rhetoric by helping to cultivate empathy for differing viewpoints but I will also exercise my right to say that I've made my decisions and don't want to engage in further discussions. I want to navigate political discourse with grace and encourage those around me to be mature and do the same.

N - Nurture My Body: Engaging in Physical Activity & Fresh Food

I will take care of my physical well-being by engaging in some consistent exercise. Whether it's a brisk walk or Qigong, I know that physical activity helps reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall health. Also, I have to make sure I am really nourishing myself with the right foods. Sometimes when stressed, I will go for an easy option that is not always the best for me.

E - Embrace Appreciation, My Family & Friends

I will focus more on being thankful for the great things in my life. I want to reflect and express gratitude for little things and cherished moments much more. Refocusing on my life, family, and my personal well-being is healthy.

I can hear naysayers' question, "But what if the election results are unfavorable and democracy seems to be at risk?" Then, my friend, you can adopt the following plan with me! No matter your political leaning, if the election goes poorly for the US you can:

* Stay Informed * Get Involved in Advocacy Groups * Contact Representatives *
* Support Legal Challenges * Stay United with Advocates *

Ultimately, even if some people label my S.A.N.E. goal as selfish, I know in my spirit that my mental and physical health are vital aspects of my life right now. I hope you too will prioritize your own well-being too. ❤️


*Side note: let's not forget that the US Presidential election is only one position we are voting for! These other elections are so important. 

U.S. Senate: Approximately one-third of the 100 seats in the Senate will be up for election. 

U.S. House of Representatives: All 435 seats will be up for election, as they are every two years. 

Governors: Several states will hold gubernatorial elections. 

State Legislatures: Many states will have elections for their state legislatures, including both upper and lower houses. 

Local Offices: Various local positions, such as mayors, city council members, and school board members, will also be on the ballot. 

Ballot Measures: Voters in some states may also be asked to vote on various ballot measures and referendums.