Thursday, January 21, 2021

Widen Your Circle

Sculptures: Sea glass, stone & drift wood 

Ponder this.

Most of the people in your life are probably NOT on the farthest extreme of their beliefs, political or other.

I was looking at those I love in my life, both friends and family, and the fact is they are all fairly middle of the road. I find it to be a waste of time discussing the politicians we support or despise. What really matters are the ideas and values we carry but most importantly, what we do in our individual lives to make change for the better.

Most conservatives I know have faith, love their families and their community. Most liberals I know have faith, love their families and their community. Society, in my personal opinion, has become too enamored with labels and this is to our cost. You are too complex a human to have a label define you completely and when you use a label to define others you minimize them too.

The relationship with the love of my life is a fantastic example of why labels do not work. My fella and I could stand toe-to-toe opposite each other politically. (and we have) But neither of us wear rose colored glasses about the government or the fact that both sides have very rich and corrupt people. We are able to stand side-by-side together in our relationship because we trust each others heart. Our core values match and our ethics are completely on the same page. We love each other and see each other as SO much more than our political labels.

I wrote all the above with this hope: That you'll stop labeling so many people as "enemy" or wrong. And most of all, that you'll stop making a judgement about others based solely on labels. Honestly, I'm guilty this and am working to change.

Now is the perfect time to Love wide, Pray wide, and Widen your circle.
As the short poem goes:

"He drew a circle that shut me out
- Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle and took him In!"
-Edwin Markham