Saturday, December 9, 2023

New Year's Quests of Intention: A Year Inspired by Middle-Earth (LOTR)

Welcome to a preview of my unconventional journey into 2024! 

In a world often dominated by traditional resolutions, I long ago traded in the idea of committing to generic goals. Instead, I've embarked on a yearly tradition of curated adventures. This year, I've themed them by using the inspiring characters and rich cultures of Middle-Earth. 

As a challenge and a celebration of growth, in 2024, I plan to weave a tapestry of intentional living by drawing inspiration from different qualities of Tolkien's characters as a guide. Below is a photo of my pages in Charmwoven and after that is the general text for each month. Feel free to join me or use this as a template to create your own! 

I will be releasing some other themed ideas for New Years in the weeks to come, so stay tuned.

January - " Galadriel/Elven Month" • Elves have a deep appreciation for art and music plus they are stewards of the forests and rivers. Their cities harmoniously blend with nature. Practical Tasks:

* Spend time in nature this month appreciating its beauty even if it's chilly
* Try calligraphy

February - " Arwen/Rivendell" • Her story emphasizes the enduring power of love, even in the face of profound challenges and sacrifices. Practical Tasks:

* Write letters of love to family or dear friends
* Make my own Evenstar necklace (try a wire bending jewelry project)

March - "Bilbo/Hobbit Month" • Celebrate the simple joys and cozy lifestyle of Hobbits. Practical Tasks:

* Plan a cozy birthday celebration (this is my birthday month but switch it to yours if needed)
* Hobbits love gardening – plant something!

April - "Treebeard/Ent Month" • Ents move and respond slowly due to their deliberate and contemplative nature. Practical Tasks:

* Slow down! (maybe a yoga or Tai Chi class or YouTube video?) Spend more time to contemplate your decisions this month.
* Spend a day in the forest.

May - " Aragorn/Arnor Month" • He is a skilled ranger and practiced healing arts like herbalism. Practical Tasks:

* Research more about how to use food as medicine.
* Survival skill – learn basic survival rope knots! (bowline, square, trucker’s hitch)

June - " Faramir/Gondor Month" • Faramir is portrayed as a thoughtful and noble figure. Practical Tasks:

* Visit a labyrinth and walk it's path - 
* Write some poetry.I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. – Faramir”

July - "Gandalf/Mithrandir Month" • He is wise, knowledgeable, and well studied. Gandalf is also playful and loved fireworks. Practical Tasks:

* Dive into "The Symposium" by Plato.
* Shoot off fireworks this year or go to an in-person display.

August - "Samwise "Sam" Gamgee/Shire " • Among all his great qualities, he values nature and liked to cook! Practical Tasks:

* Enjoy a breakfast picnic and morning at the lake.
* Create a special “2nd” breakfast meal: Mushroom Omelet, with crispy bacon & fresh homemade bread.

September - “Frodo Month/Bag End" • Determined, resilience. Frodo set off on his journey from the Shire to Rivendell to pass off the ring on Sept 23rd. Practical Tasks:

* Declutter any of my own “burdens” - mental/physical.
* Write a short story on my personal growth and resilience over the last year.

October - " Boromir Month” • Warrior, darker character with internal struggles provided a complex story, redeeming sacrifice in the end. Practical Tasks:

* Take on a fitness challenge this month.
* Visit a local Museum or a story-telling event.

November - "Gimli/Dwarven Month" • Deep affinity for craftsmanship, resilient. Practical Tasks:

* Try leather stamping.
* Do a “dwarven” beer tasting at a local bar

December - " Éowyn/Rohan Month" • Background on Eowyn: Celebrate the bravery and independence of a Shieldmaiden. Practical Tasks:

* Study self-defense/take a class
* Photograph horses & have a LOTR marathon