Sunday, June 2, 2013

But Why's the Rum Gone?

During the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Captain Jack Sparrow always gets a laugh when he says, "But why's the rum gone?" Before I became a Christian, alcohol was a steady part of my week. I have an extremely high tolerance for it and so what would bother and affect most people would do almost nothing to me. After I became a Christian, I gave it up for four years. Then after much prayer and advice, I decided to then allow myself to have a social drink of rum and coke with dinner sometimes or wine occasionally. I also developed a "rule" for myself that I'd stop at two drinks, even though I could handle a lot more. This has been fine for the past 10 years or so but as of this Saturday, June 1st I've made the decision to give it up for a full year (small goals at first really help me) and probably forever.

I've not been perfect in these past ten years but this past Friday was a "last straw" as they say. At a table full of coworkers, I broke my two drink decision. As I tried to close my check out, I was reminded that the restaurant would not "split" the check and that someone else was "picking up the tab." Obviously, "free" is too tempting to me because with one small look to the waitress and a tiny gesture toward my glass, the line was crossed. But I didn't just step over the line...I walked about 1/2 a mile past it. :(

Isaiah 5: 22, 24 says, "Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks,...for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel."

That is just one of many scriptures that I've studied over the weekend to come to this decision. It's strange as I reflect on the night because that very line from the movie, "Why's the rum gone?" even came up as we sat there!

I was sharing with some sisters in my fellowship that I am thankful Jesus did not return on Friday night...because I would not have been ready! Jesus is merciful and God is so gracious. I set a terrible example to others, did not glorified God, and brushed aside wisdom to do damage to my body. But now to embrace wisdom, set an example to others, glorify God and care for my body I am sharing my story, repentance and decision! There is just tremendous grace with that.

And so...this is my answer to the question why the rum is gone. :D