Saturday, December 30, 2023

New Year's for Men: Carpe Diem 2.0

For the gentlemen embarking on a year-long adventure, behold "Carpe Diem 2.0" — a meticulously crafted 12-month plan that weaves together the enduring allure of action and sports with a dash of refinement. Catering specifically to the more discerning tastes of mature individuals, each month unfolds a thoughtfully curated fusion of physical and mental engagement. I hope the more masculine among us will enjoy immersing themselves in these activities tailored to provide a year rich in more meaningful experiences and personal evolution. For this list, the adventurer should grab a simple photo album booklet that has at least 12 slots and take one picture representing accomplishing each month's task.

January: Tenets of Martial Arts - Jump into the New Year and get inspired by learning the philosophy and discipline of a martial art. Consider Tai Chi (study out monk Zhang Sanfeng) or Aikido (research founder Morihei Ueshiba) for a mindful approach. The Core Objective of this Month: to cultivate inner strength and resilience. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.
February: Holistic Health Kickstart - Establish a balanced fitness routine to invigorate your body type. Explore nutritious recipes and embrace mindful eating habits. In 2024, we stop neglecting our health. ❤️ You could also take up gentle yoga or meditation to add to your holistic health approach. The Core Objective of this Month: laying the foundation for a healthier and more energized lifestyle. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.

March: Tactical Mindset - Explore strategic thinking through chess, Risk or other mind sports. Attend a lecture on strategy or read a book like "The Art of War" or Bear Woznick's, "12 Rules for Manliness: Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?" The Core Objective of this Month: to sharpen your strategic thinking skills. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.
April: Outdoor Explorations - Engage in some type of new outdoor activities you’ve never tried before. Need ideas? How about: Frisbee golf, pickle ball, paddle boarding. For a more relaxed outdoor experience try nature walks or bird watching. The Core Objective of this Month: to step out of your comfort zone and foster a sense of adventure and resilience while getting some fresh air. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.
May: Aquatic Serenity - Enjoy calming water activities like fishing or sailing. If those are not readily available, then watch movies with serene aquatic scenes. Another option could be to watch YouTube videos with ocean relaxation sounds and explore praying-meditation. The Core Objective of this Month: to find some tranquility, relaxation, and develop a more peaceful state of mind amidst life's demands. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.
June: Tech Detox - schedule in a tech detox this month; maybe a whole day/weekend. Take up a non-tech hobby like building a model, woodcarving, or whittling. The Core Objective of this Month: to disconnect from tech and allow more space for introspection and imagination so you can have a better balance between the virtual and real worlds. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.
July: Legendary Athletes - The 2024 Summer Olympics take place from July 26 to August 11, 2024! Now's a great time to study out legendary athletes that inspire you or even research a current athlete that will be attending the summer events. Bonus idea: Organize your own friendly sport-themed gathering with friendsThe Core Objective of this Month: to draw inspiration from athletes that apply determination and discipline to their goals and challenges. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.
August: Retro Gaming Retreat- Have a classic board game or retro video game night at your home or a local facility. Build new gaming memories with your kids, or share gaming fun with friends and family. The Core Objective of this Month: to build connections through shared nostalgia, creating memories and embracing a simpler time. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.
September: Mentorship Discovery - Dedicate this month to exploring some mentorship opportunities or seeking therapeutic support. Whether you connect with a mentor in your field of interest or embark on a journey of self-discovery through therapy, prioritize personal growth and learning. The Core Objective of this Month: to gain new and valuable insights, guidance, and a deeper understanding of oneself while fostering positive development and well-being. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.
October: Resilience Revisited - Use this ChatGPT prompt, "Will you write a quick summary about how I was resilient in my life during ______. input your personal example. Soak in that encouragement! The Core Objective of this Month: to reflect on your own personal resilience and recognize in a concrete way the strength you've gained from overcoming adversity. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal or print off what ChatGPT wrote.
November: Cultural Immersion - Immerse yourself in a new culture/study out a new culture. Try cooking a dish from a different culture or attend a cultural event in your community. The Core Objective of this Month: to broaden your perspectives and understanding for those different than you. Take a picture to represent you accomplishing this goal.
December: Reflective Lens - A Visual Chronicle of the Year - Reflect on the year's experiences. Cap off the year by embarking on a photojournalism project. Take your captured moments from each month and create a visual diary. Write a short description and what you learned with the images as you compile them. The Core Objective of this Month: to celebrate the year you've had and all the different, unique things you tried. 

I hope that you've found this monthly breakdown enjoyable, well-paced, and a diverse journey! Happy new year.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

New Year's Enchantment: Embracing Disney-Heroines Adventures

Roses from my garden

Take a look at another themed New Year's aspirations list by stepping into a year of enchantment inspired by the spirit of Disney heroines. Each month brings unique activities that mirror the courage, kindness, and adventures found in these beloved characters. This New Year's themed option is all about infusing new activities each month so that you have a well-rounded year.

January - Mulan Background: Mulan is brave and resourceful, disguising herself as a man to fight and save her father. Aspirations:

  • Set a goal that challenges your gender role and learn about a traditionally male-dominated skill. Examples: woodworking, coding, something about your car
  • Embrace your inner warrior: try self-defense, martial arts, or Tai chi.

February - Belle Background: Belle is a bookworm and an advocate for kindness. Aspirations:

March - Tiana Background: Tiana is hardworking and determined to achieve her dreams. Aspirations:

  • Set a financial goal and review your budget for areas of improvement.
  • Learn to cook or try one new dish from a different culture.

April - Pocahontas Background: Pocahontas is a character connected to nature and promoted harmony. Aspirations:

  • Take care of some nature around you. Volunteer to do a local clean-up or go along your street and pick up trash one afternoon.
  • Learn about a local indigenous culture in your area.

May - Ariel Background: Ariel is curious, adventurous, and willing to explore new worlds. Aspirations:

  • Plan a trip: to an aquarium, or visit a beach/lake, or since Ariel collected trinkets try explore an antique shop!
  • Learn a new skill, like a musical instrument or a foreign language.

June - Cinderella Background: Cinderella is resilient and maintains hope even in adversity. Aspirations:

July - Moana Background: Moana is a determined explorer who finds her own path. Aspirations:

  • Plan a road trip to a new, local city this month that you've not visited before.
  • Try your hand at water-based activities like sailing or kayaking; or go swimming.

August - Jasmine Background: Jasmine values freedom and independence. Aspirations:

  • Challenge your biases. She did not let Aladdin's social status cloud her view. This month, engage in one conversation with a stranger that is different from your daily interactions.
  • Read Arabian Nights. It has several stories and is where the story of Aladdin is featured.

September - Elsa Background: Elsa has a journey of self-discovery and embracing her uniqueness. Aspirations

  • Do a mindset shift challenge. Identify a limiting belief or negative thought pattern and actively work to shift your mindset toward more positive and empowering perspectives. Here's how: Thought Transformation Guide .
  • Check in with yourself each week to see how it's going.

October - Merida Background: Merida is a skilled archer and a symbol of independence. Aspirations:

November - Rapunzel Background: Rapunzel is resourceful and creative, using her long hair to navigate life. Aspirations:

  • Let's try a new recipe! To be on theme, create your own Hazelnut soup. Here a recipe to try. 
  • Try a new hairstyle or self-care hair routine.

December - Anna Background: Channel Anna's warmth and openness by connecting with your loved ones. Aspirations: 

  • Inspired by Anna's adventurous spirit, build a snowman if it snows...if no snow, create this cute sock one from Darkroom & Dearly.
  • Sometimes holiday's are hard and stressful. To battle that, embrace the joy of the season and create a magical moment for yourself by planning a self-care day.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

New Year's Regency Resolutions: Pride & Prejudice Theme

The next New Year's idea is based on the refined world of Pride and Prejudice. Inspired by the characters and themes of Jane Austen's masterpiece, embark on a journey of personal growth and discovery throughout the months ahead. Much like the characters who navigate the social intricacies of the Regency era, let 2024 be a canvas for your own story. As you weave the threads of classic literature into the fabric of your life, anticipate a year of elegance, self-reflection, and the cultivation of virtues that stand the test of time.

January - Elizabeth Bennet Background: Elizabeth is known for her wit and intelligence. Activities:

  • Read something that Elizabeth may have been reading in the early 19th century. One idea is "The Corsair" by Lord Byron.
  • Arrange a traditional Regency-era afternoon tea with delicate sandwiches, scones, and pastries. Invite friends to enjoy this social gathering.

February - Mrs. Bennet Background: She is known for her preoccupation with finding suitable husbands for her daughters, especially given the societal norms of her time. Activities:

  • Look for moments to spread more love to others. Consider hosting a small get-together where you and some friends make Valentine cards for those who are often lonely in nursing homes.
  • Enjoy a light-hearted movie night this month. If you are up for it, consider romantic movies with a focus on matchmaking. Ideas: Hitch or Clueless (which I've read is actually a modern-day retelling of Jane Austen's "Emma.")

March - Jane Bennet Background: Jane is the epitome of grace and patience. A customary pastime of women in this era where strolls. Activities:

  • Plan 3 times this month to take a stroll somewhere pretty. While walking, work to memorize a quote of your choice on patience or grace. Here's an example: "Patience: accepting the delays with a smile; Grace: finding beauty in the wait."
  • Volunteer or support a local charitable cause in the weeks ahead.
April - Mr. Bingley Background: Mr. Bingley is amiable and sociable. He is a gentleman whose open-hearted nature and pleasant demeanor make him instantly likable. Activities:
  • Mr. Bingly and Mr. Darcy had a close friendship. This month, reach out and strengthen one of your own social connections or friendships.
  • The upper-class in the 19th century enjoyed evenings of games and gambling. Host a game night or get out for an evening and visit a restaurant or bowling alley that hosts trivia or game nights. Need an another idea? Have a simple Pride & Prejudice watching party. 
May - Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy Background: Mr. Darcy is reserved but ultimately kind-hearted. Initially he is perceived as proud and aloof but he undergoes a transformative character arc, revealing a complex and honorable nature. Let's dig deep this month. Activities:
  • Craft a "Darcy Reflections Jar": Spend time recording your personal growth, positive changes, or times you've overcome prejudices. Connect these reflections to Mr. Darcy's character arc, emphasizing self-awareness and the capacity for change. The jar symbolizes personal growth, reminding us, like Darcy, of our potential to evolve into better versions of ourselves.
  • Create a personal development manifesto.

June - Charlotte Lucas Background: Charlotte is practical and down-to-earth. Activities:

  • She was excited about having her own home to manage. This month, enhance your living space through a practical DIY project or declutter. your physical and digital spaces.
  • Set and work toward one new practical life goal. Some areas to consider could be: fitness, wellness, professional development etc.
July - Lady Catherine de Bourgh Background: While she embodies the aristocratic arrogance which we don't want to emulate, Lady Catherine is assertive and confident which are often a skills work having in our pocket. Activities:
  • This month, look for a leadership opportunity in your personal or professional life.
  • Find a video to help you grow on better asserting your opinions and values when needed.

August - Mrs. Garner Mrs. Gardiner is portrayed as a sensible and caring woman in the novel, known for her guidance and wisdom. Activities:

  • Look for a way to take on a new mentoring role in someone's life. Foster care programs often are looking for mentors for kids and teens in care.
  • In the upcoming weeks, explore some classic literature or try a new genre.
September - Mr. Collins Background: Mr. Collins is often humorous and oblivious. Despite his flaws and comedic portrayal in the novel, Mr. Collins represents a certain social and professional working class in the context of early 19th-century England. Activities:
  • Embrace humor! Have a dinner with someone where you each bring 3 jokes to share.
  • Jot down funny moments this month that make you chuckle. You'll be surprised how much we forget in just a month. Review the list at the end of Sept.
October - Mr. Wickham Background: Despite his charming and affable exterior, Wickham reveals himself to be deceptive, manipulative, and untrustworthy. He spreads false information about Mr. Darcy, and his pursuit of financial advantage through deceitful means further underscores his negative character traits. So instead we will:
  • Make sound financial decisions this month and save extra case. Review your budget.
  • Spend time watching videos with a focus on honesty and integrity in personal and professional life. Here's a cute one on integrity: When Nobody's Watching

November - Miss Georgiana Darcy Background: Georgiana, Mr. Darcy's sister, is portrayed as kind and musically talented. Her actions and response convey a sense of thankfulness and gratitude. Activities:

  • Georgiana was incredibly kind and warm to Elizabeth Bennett. Share your gratitude to those around you and look for someone you can encourage and help them feel special.
  • Try a new creative art the month (painting, drawing, sculpting, musical instrument, singing lessons)

December - Mr. Bennett Background: The witty and somewhat detached father in "Pride and Prejudice," but he provides a unique perspective on legacy. Activities:

  • *Create a family legacy page/book and record personal wisdom, family's history, stories, and traditions. Include photographs when possible.
  • *Look into creating a financial plan for your retirement. Never too early! 

If you didn't catch the 1st one in the series, here's a link! LOTR - New Year's Quests of Intention

Saturday, December 9, 2023

New Year's Quests of Intention: A Year Inspired by Middle-Earth (LOTR)

Welcome to a preview of my unconventional journey into 2024! 

In a world often dominated by traditional resolutions, I long ago traded in the idea of committing to generic goals. Instead, I've embarked on a yearly tradition of curated adventures. This year, I've themed them by using the inspiring characters and rich cultures of Middle-Earth. 

As a challenge and a celebration of growth, in 2024, I plan to weave a tapestry of intentional living by drawing inspiration from different qualities of Tolkien's characters as a guide. Below is a photo of my pages in Charmwoven and after that is the general text for each month. Feel free to join me or use this as a template to create your own! 

I will be releasing some other themed ideas for New Years in the weeks to come, so stay tuned.

January - " Galadriel/Elven Month" • Elves have a deep appreciation for art and music plus they are stewards of the forests and rivers. Their cities harmoniously blend with nature. Practical Tasks:

* Spend time in nature this month appreciating its beauty even if it's chilly
* Try calligraphy

February - " Arwen/Rivendell" • Her story emphasizes the enduring power of love, even in the face of profound challenges and sacrifices. Practical Tasks:

* Write letters of love to family or dear friends
* Make my own Evenstar necklace (try a wire bending jewelry project)

March - "Bilbo/Hobbit Month" • Celebrate the simple joys and cozy lifestyle of Hobbits. Practical Tasks:

* Plan a cozy birthday celebration (this is my birthday month but switch it to yours if needed)
* Hobbits love gardening – plant something!

April - "Treebeard/Ent Month" • Ents move and respond slowly due to their deliberate and contemplative nature. Practical Tasks:

* Slow down! (maybe a yoga or Tai Chi class or YouTube video?) Spend more time to contemplate your decisions this month.
* Spend a day in the forest.

May - " Aragorn/Arnor Month" • He is a skilled ranger and practiced healing arts like herbalism. Practical Tasks:

* Research more about how to use food as medicine.
* Survival skill – learn basic survival rope knots! (bowline, square, trucker’s hitch)

June - " Faramir/Gondor Month" • Faramir is portrayed as a thoughtful and noble figure. Practical Tasks:

* Visit a labyrinth and walk it's path - 
* Write some poetry.I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. – Faramir”

July - "Gandalf/Mithrandir Month" • He is wise, knowledgeable, and well studied. Gandalf is also playful and loved fireworks. Practical Tasks:

* Dive into "The Symposium" by Plato.
* Shoot off fireworks this year or go to an in-person display.

August - "Samwise "Sam" Gamgee/Shire " • Among all his great qualities, he values nature and liked to cook! Practical Tasks:

* Enjoy a breakfast picnic and morning at the lake.
* Create a special “2nd” breakfast meal: Mushroom Omelet, with crispy bacon & fresh homemade bread.

September - “Frodo Month/Bag End" • Determined, resilience. Frodo set off on his journey from the Shire to Rivendell to pass off the ring on Sept 23rd. Practical Tasks:

* Declutter any of my own “burdens” - mental/physical.
* Write a short story on my personal growth and resilience over the last year.

October - " Boromir Month” • Warrior, darker character with internal struggles provided a complex story, redeeming sacrifice in the end. Practical Tasks:

* Take on a fitness challenge this month.
* Visit a local Museum or a story-telling event.

November - "Gimli/Dwarven Month" • Deep affinity for craftsmanship, resilient. Practical Tasks:

* Try leather stamping.
* Do a “dwarven” beer tasting at a local bar

December - " Éowyn/Rohan Month" • Background on Eowyn: Celebrate the bravery and independence of a Shieldmaiden. Practical Tasks:

* Study self-defense/take a class
* Photograph horses & have a LOTR marathon

Saturday, December 2, 2023

12 Years of Silver Trumpets

It's hard to believe that 12 years have passed since my very first post on Silver Trumpets - Dec 2, 2011. As I celebrate this special anniversary, my heart is brimming with appreciation for the support and I am filled with gratitude for your readership.

I look forward to Silver Trumpets continuing to remain my little cherished corner in the vast expanse of the internet...a simple place where deep hearts and kindred spirits come to discover community and inspiration.  


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Thought Transformation Guide

Gunner contemplating ;)


Taking on a mindset shift challenge involves identifying and transforming negative thought patterns or limiting beliefs into more positive and empowering perspectives. Here's a basic step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify Negative Thought Patterns:

    • Reflect on your thoughts and identify recurring negative patterns. These could be self-doubt, fear of failure, imposter syndrome, or any belief that holds you back.
  2. Challenge Negative Thoughts:

    • Question the validity of these negative thoughts. Are they based on facts, or are they assumptions? Challenge the accuracy of your negative beliefs.
  3. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Affirmations:

    • Develop positive affirmations that counteract your negative thoughts. For example, if you often doubt your abilities, replace it with affirmations like "I am capable and resourceful."
  4. Practice Mindfulness:

    • Cultivate mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts without judgment. Mindfulness helps you observe negative thoughts without getting overwhelmed by them.
  5. Seek Evidence to Counter Negative Beliefs:

    • Look for evidence that contradicts your negative beliefs. If you believe you can't succeed at a particular task, recall instances where you've overcome challenges in the past.
  6. Set Realistic Goals:

    • Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable steps. This helps build confidence and demonstrates that progress is possible, shifting your mindset from "I can't" to "I can."
  7. Surround Yourself with Positivity:

    • Spend time with supportive and positive individuals. Surrounding yourself with optimism and encouragement can positively influence your mindset.
  8. Practice Gratitude:

    • Regularly express gratitude for the positive aspects of your life. Focusing on what you're thankful for can shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.
  9. Visualize Success:

    • Create mental images of yourself succeeding and achieving your goals. Visualization can help rewire your brain to focus on positive outcomes.
  10. Seek Professional Support if Needed:

    • If negative thought patterns are deeply ingrained, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and tools to facilitate a mindset shift.

Remember, mindset shifts take time and consistent effort. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way. Consistent practice of these techniques can contribute to long-lasting positive changes in your mindset.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Beyond the Turkey: Our Thanksgiving Book Tradition

I'm excited to share a heartwarming tradition I started with my family back in 2016. We now have a Thanksgiving book that has become a cherished part of our holiday celebrations.

The Genesis of the Thanksgiving Book

It all began with a simple idea: why not create a tangible record of our family and gratitude each year? I'd seen the idea of a Thanksgiving tablecloth, where everyone writes what they're thankful for each year. It sounded awesome, but I wanted something that could stand the test of time, something we could pass down through the generations. And that's when the Thanksgiving book was born.

What Goes Inside?

Each year, as we gather around the Thanksgiving table, we take a moment to reflect on the past year's blessings. From the big milestones to the small, everyday joys, we jot down what we're thankful for. Whether it's health, family, friendship, or even just someone signing their name, nothing is too big or small for our Thanksgiving book.

A Snapshot of Memories

But here's where it gets even better—we accompany our written gratitude with two photos. One serious, capturing the heartfelt moments, and one funny, because, let's face it, laughter is a big part of keeping us from being boring. My favorites is when we decided to do "jazz hands" but all end up looking like we are under arrest! Ha. These photos add a personal touch to our Thanksgiving book, making it a true reflection of who we are.

The Evolution of Thankfulness

As the years roll by, flipping through the pages of our Thanksgiving book becomes a journey through time. We see how our family has grown, how our priorities have shifted, and how our laughter lines have deepened. During the pandemic of 2020, when we sadly had to spend thanksgiving apart, my family members emailed me photos and their gratitude list/cards for the book. It truly is a testament to the ever-changing tapestry of life, history, and the constancy of gratitude that binds us together.

A Gift That Keeps on Giving

This Thanksgiving book has become more than just a collection of entries; it's a living, breathing expression of our collective gratitude. As our family has grown, the entries and photos have increased too! Children's first scribbles slowly evolve into words, grandparents treasured handwriting warms with their own wisdom and when friends join us for our meal, you can bet they join us in pictures and gratitude entries too!

So, if you're looking to add a dash of legacy to your Thanksgiving celebrations, consider starting your own Thanksgiving book. Wishing you, your loved ones, and friends a Thanksgiving filled with warmth, laughter and thankfulness.