Friday, January 26, 2024

January - Galadriel Month

๐ŸŒฟ✨ January Recap - Embracing the Elven Essence ✨๐ŸŒฟ

Hello, fellow adventurers! As I conclude the first chapter of my LOTR-inspired New Year's journey, the "Galadriel/Elven Month," I wanted to share the magical moments that unfolded.

1. Nature Immersion: January beckoned me with the crisp breath of winter, as I took some brisk walks and  had a lakeside retreat during one of the sunny days. The frozen edges of the lake whispered, "be still," while the wintry breeze made me imagine what the elves do in the winter at the Lothlรณrien forest. ๐Ÿƒ❄️

 Practical Task: Spend time in nature, appreciating its beauty.


2. Calligraphy Adventure: In the pursuit of some Galadriel elegance, I decided on trying calligraphy. Siting down with my fine-tip pens (which, as it turned out, were not ideal), I adapted, choosing instead to research how to inscribe my name in Elvish. Each stroke became a dance, a connection to the graceful lines of Tolkien's world.

Practical Task: Try calligraphy.๐Ÿ“œ


3. Enchanting Screen Transformations & videos:The magic extended to the digital realm, as my phone transformed into a portal to Middle-earth. I cannot share those because I cannot find the original artist to give credit to however it's been a nice reminder of my focus this month!

January's journey has been Galadriel's ethereal world. ๐ŸŒˆ✨ Here's to more enchanting adventures in the months to come! ๐Ÿ—“️๐ŸŒŸ #LOTRNewYear #GaladrielMonth #ElvenEssence #MiddleEarthMagic

Monday, January 22, 2024

Take a Break & Read with Me

I enjoy going on YouTube and finding "Read with me" videos. To be creative, I attempted to make one myself with just my phone and a tripod. I know it's bad! ha. However, for my friends and family across the country, I still hope they will enjoy spending this time together. So grab your book and something refreshing to drink then sit with me and let's read! Run time is only 24 minutes. 

"...judge tenderly of me" ~ Emily Dickinson

 YouTube uploaded it in 240p so select the gear ⚙️ to adjust the video quality higher size to match your phone or computer.