Saturday, December 16, 2023

New Year's Regency Resolutions: Pride & Prejudice Theme

The next New Year's idea is based on the refined world of Pride and Prejudice. Inspired by the characters and themes of Jane Austen's masterpiece, embark on a journey of personal growth and discovery throughout the months ahead. Much like the characters who navigate the social intricacies of the Regency era, let 2024 be a canvas for your own story. As you weave the threads of classic literature into the fabric of your life, anticipate a year of elegance, self-reflection, and the cultivation of virtues that stand the test of time.

January - Elizabeth Bennet Background: Elizabeth is known for her wit and intelligence. Activities:

  • Read something that Elizabeth may have been reading in the early 19th century. One idea is "The Corsair" by Lord Byron.
  • Arrange a traditional Regency-era afternoon tea with delicate sandwiches, scones, and pastries. Invite friends to enjoy this social gathering.

February - Mrs. Bennet Background: She is known for her preoccupation with finding suitable husbands for her daughters, especially given the societal norms of her time. Activities:

  • Look for moments to spread more love to others. Consider hosting a small get-together where you and some friends make Valentine cards for those who are often lonely in nursing homes.
  • Enjoy a light-hearted movie night this month. If you are up for it, consider romantic movies with a focus on matchmaking. Ideas: Hitch or Clueless (which I've read is actually a modern-day retelling of Jane Austen's "Emma.")

March - Jane Bennet Background: Jane is the epitome of grace and patience. A customary pastime of women in this era where strolls. Activities:

  • Plan 3 times this month to take a stroll somewhere pretty. While walking, work to memorize a quote of your choice on patience or grace. Here's an example: "Patience: accepting the delays with a smile; Grace: finding beauty in the wait."
  • Volunteer or support a local charitable cause in the weeks ahead.
April - Mr. Bingley Background: Mr. Bingley is amiable and sociable. He is a gentleman whose open-hearted nature and pleasant demeanor make him instantly likable. Activities:
  • Mr. Bingly and Mr. Darcy had a close friendship. This month, reach out and strengthen one of your own social connections or friendships.
  • The upper-class in the 19th century enjoyed evenings of games and gambling. Host a game night or get out for an evening and visit a restaurant or bowling alley that hosts trivia or game nights. Need an another idea? Have a simple Pride & Prejudice watching party. 
May - Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy Background: Mr. Darcy is reserved but ultimately kind-hearted. Initially he is perceived as proud and aloof but he undergoes a transformative character arc, revealing a complex and honorable nature. Let's dig deep this month. Activities:
  • Craft a "Darcy Reflections Jar": Spend time recording your personal growth, positive changes, or times you've overcome prejudices. Connect these reflections to Mr. Darcy's character arc, emphasizing self-awareness and the capacity for change. The jar symbolizes personal growth, reminding us, like Darcy, of our potential to evolve into better versions of ourselves.
  • Create a personal development manifesto.

June - Charlotte Lucas Background: Charlotte is practical and down-to-earth. Activities:

  • She was excited about having her own home to manage. This month, enhance your living space through a practical DIY project or declutter. your physical and digital spaces.
  • Set and work toward one new practical life goal. Some areas to consider could be: fitness, wellness, professional development etc.
July - Lady Catherine de Bourgh Background: While she embodies the aristocratic arrogance which we don't want to emulate, Lady Catherine is assertive and confident which are often a skills work having in our pocket. Activities:
  • This month, look for a leadership opportunity in your personal or professional life.
  • Find a video to help you grow on better asserting your opinions and values when needed.

August - Mrs. Garner Mrs. Gardiner is portrayed as a sensible and caring woman in the novel, known for her guidance and wisdom. Activities:

  • Look for a way to take on a new mentoring role in someone's life. Foster care programs often are looking for mentors for kids and teens in care.
  • In the upcoming weeks, explore some classic literature or try a new genre.
September - Mr. Collins Background: Mr. Collins is often humorous and oblivious. Despite his flaws and comedic portrayal in the novel, Mr. Collins represents a certain social and professional working class in the context of early 19th-century England. Activities:
  • Embrace humor! Have a dinner with someone where you each bring 3 jokes to share.
  • Jot down funny moments this month that make you chuckle. You'll be surprised how much we forget in just a month. Review the list at the end of Sept.
October - Mr. Wickham Background: Despite his charming and affable exterior, Wickham reveals himself to be deceptive, manipulative, and untrustworthy. He spreads false information about Mr. Darcy, and his pursuit of financial advantage through deceitful means further underscores his negative character traits. So instead we will:
  • Make sound financial decisions this month and save extra case. Review your budget.
  • Spend time watching videos with a focus on honesty and integrity in personal and professional life. Here's a cute one on integrity: When Nobody's Watching

November - Miss Georgiana Darcy Background: Georgiana, Mr. Darcy's sister, is portrayed as kind and musically talented. Her actions and response convey a sense of thankfulness and gratitude. Activities:

  • Georgiana was incredibly kind and warm to Elizabeth Bennett. Share your gratitude to those around you and look for someone you can encourage and help them feel special.
  • Try a new creative art the month (painting, drawing, sculpting, musical instrument, singing lessons)

December - Mr. Bennett Background: The witty and somewhat detached father in "Pride and Prejudice," but he provides a unique perspective on legacy. Activities:

  • *Create a family legacy page/book and record personal wisdom, family's history, stories, and traditions. Include photographs when possible.
  • *Look into creating a financial plan for your retirement. Never too early! 

If you didn't catch the 1st one in the series, here's a link! LOTR - New Year's Quests of Intention