Saturday, September 30, 2023

Savoring Every Season - Adventure [bucket] Lists

Here are my curated collection of activities and adventures for the upcoming Fall-Winter [2023] thru Spring-Summer [2024] seasons. From cozy fireside moments to outdoor escapades, this post is a guide to help you brainstorm and craft some of your own memorable moments for the seasons ahead. Whether you're a fan of pumpkin-spiced delights, falling leaves, blooming flowers, or sunny beach days, there's something here for everyone. Additional links to other ideas in color below.


Fall Adventures: 

  • Celebrate the 1st day of Autumn [pumpkin spiced - anything!]
  • Go outside to gaze at the Full Moon
  • Have a S'mores & Scary Movie Night
  • Decorate for Halloween
  • Create these cute s'mores treats for friends/neighbors
  • Read scary stories - Poe, The Headless Horseman...
  • Other ideas - here


  • Bake cinnamon stuffed apples
  • Take Fall photos
  • Drink some apple cider [bonus if it's homemade]
  • Go on a Fall Foliage Drive
  • Spend some time in nature just listening
  • Create a thankful tree

Winter Adventures:

  • Have a winter snuggle
  • Bake Christmas cookies 
  • Do a random act of kindness
  • Drop off goodies to a fire/police station
  • Go on a cold weather walk 
  • Drink Eggnog
  • Try an ice bath - go to a cold lake or pond [be careful!]
  • Drive/Walk to see Christmas Lights

 Spring Adventures:

Summer Adventures: 

#AdventureBucketList #SeasonalAdventures #MakingMemories

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Autumn's Fresh Start: Planning Your Year from October Onward

"Within these charming pages, your story is woven."

Clever Fox Planner, 2nd edition
Hello, to all the planners and journal enthusiasts out there! As someone who enjoys organization, I've found my perfect creative resource in bullet journaling. However, instead of beginning around New Year's, I start my new planner in October.

Why October, You Ask?

Since New Years is directly after the busiest holiday season, I've found I'm too exhausted to do a good job at planning the year ahead in January. So I had to try something new! In October, the air turns crisper, the leaves start to paint the town in warm hues, and there's a certain cozy feeling that just begs to be captured on paper.

The Essence of Each Season: Seasonal Adventure [bucket] Lists

One of the highlights of my bullet journal this year are the pages dedicated to my preplanned seasonal adventure lists. This allows me to sprinkle in creative activities during my months.

Seasonal adventure list example

A Touch of Whimsy:

Not only a calendar planner, to-do list keeper, and journal for me; this is my canvas for creativity and artistry. I've nicknamed it "Charmwoven" and have given myself license with each page to freely infuse my personality, print photos from that month, have intricate doodles, and capture the essence of every moment.

So, there you have it – my unique approach to yearly planning by starting anew in October! Whether you're drawn to the idea of seasonal planning or simply seeking a fresh way to approach your goals and be creative, I invite you to join me. I'll have some posts soon with details of my seasonal adventure lists and some movie watching list too! Until then, here are some photos of different sections:

Questions to help dig deep & record of annual doctors appointments to make sure I'm taking care of myself

Pages to list books on my TBR list, those I've read, plus any movies I enjoyed

Feel free to connect and let's embark on this planning journey together! 🌼📓

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A Quiet Celebration: 100,000 Visitors and Counting

Hello, dear friends and readers. Today, I invite you to join me in a quiet celebration, a moment of reflection on a milestone that warms my heart. Silver Trumpets has reached a beautiful number - 100,000 visitors to my humble little corner of the internet.

At this moment, I'm overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude. Each click, each visit, represents a connection made, a story shared, and a heart touched. In a world that often seems to whirl by at lightning speed, there's something profoundly beautiful about finding solace in quiet moments of connection. Silver Trumpets has always been a place for those seeking a respite from the noise, a place to find inspiration and encouragement in the gentle rhythm of life.

This milestone is not just a number; it's a testament to those who have sought inspiration and encouragement here. My hope is that Silver Trumpets remains a serene oasis on the web, where kindred spirits gather to find solace and inspiration in the written word. Whether you've been here from the beginning or you've just stopped by, your presence is cherished, and your stories are valued.

So, in the quiet of this afternoon moment, I want to whisper a thank you. Here's to 100,000 visitors and to countless more to come enjoy quiet moments of inspiration and togetherness in the future.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Crack in the Illusion: Let Go of Unrealistic Standards

"Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared to our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate." - Thoreau 

In a world that often chases perfection, the struggle to be flawless can really consume you. Right at this moment, as I'm tapping away on my keyboard, I can't help but recall moments from work earlier today. I tend to dwell too much on the little details of human interactions, always wishing I could've done better. This pursuit of perfection isn't just limited to my job; it sneaks its way into my personal life too, which makes things a bit tricky. Being precise is great, especially as an executive assistant, but it can be quite exhausting for my mind. I find myself unable to stop over-analyzing disagreements, conversations, and even the words I put down in writing. #ruminating

But things are changing. I'm in the process of becoming more gentle with myself and embracing my imperfections. I'm acknowledging my tendency towards perfectionism and working on being comfortable with the idea of making mistakes.

As I put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), I am reminded that this blog is in itself a testament to embracing imperfection. I used to spend hours editing old posts, but not anymore. Silver Trumpets might not be perfect, but it's simply me going through my life of mistakes and miracles.

Life can be wonderful in its imperfections. If you're like me and want everything to be perfect, let's change things up by trying a few things:

  • Ask yourself: Are your standards practical? Fight that need for perfection
  • Be nice to yourself. Mistakes are normal.
  • Challenge negative thoughts and self-critique that pop up often.
  • Figure out what makes you overthink mistakes.

Today, my wish for you is to embrace your individuality and find beauty in what might seem like imperfections because it's those very traits that create who you are!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Earthing: My experience with "grounding"

As Moses cast away hi sandals in honor of God's divine presence, the whispers of ancient scriptures invite me to worship; reminding me that when I connect with Him, that earthen spot is holy. These thoughts echo through me as I gently ground my hands and feet.

⚡Welcome to my 7-day spiritual grounding journey! I'll be going barefoot and hope to spend time praying and reflecting. And, if I happen to cast away some negative energy and get some ion balance, all the better. 😉 Join me as I stumble through the quirks of an earthing practice. This mini-journal are my experiences, including the mishaps and wonders along the way.


🌍🌱🌞 Commitment: 7 days with 15 minutes of earthing. 

  • Started: Monday, August 28th
  • Ended: Sunday, September 3rd

Day 1: "Made it nearly to 15 mins, wearing socks (read it's okay). Started with my phone in hand, but set it down to feel wind and stare at leaves. Cooler day at 88°F. Relaxed, people-watched, stretched, prayed, plus found a rock for one of my summer bucket list items – decorate a rock with an encouraging message as a surprise for a stranger to find!"

Day 2:  "Today, I sought solace in a shaded picnic spot, aiming to let my feet meet grass instead of dirt. Alas, within 3 minutes, curious ants joined the scene. A swift relocation to a nearby bench and my session turned into grounding on concrete - challenges. However, the fresh air and cooler temperatures brought peace. Despite initial frustration, I emerged a tad bit calmer."

Day 3: "Today was the best one yet! I spent 15 minutes on cool grass, barefoot, with a light evening breeze and my pups nearby. Did some emotional work. My time was wonderfully restful. I might head out again tonight during the blue super-moon. Part B-grounding while watching the bright moon drift through the sky was amazing!"

Day 4: "I've discovered that grounding at night is my favorite. Sitting in the backyard, gazing at the stars, and tonight, relaxing with a drink – I love the privacy of the night, the soothing rest to my eyes, and wiggling my toes in the cool grass. Thoreau once wrote that night was more novel and less profane than day, and that's been my wholehearted experience these past two summer nights.

Day 5: "Wanted to try morning earthing - took some willpower. Undeniably worth it, and for the first time, I lingered well past the timer because I was feeling so good. Maybe tomorrow the lake. Interestingly, I did take a 3-hour nap this evening, which makes me wonder if in some way grounding is helping to reduce cortisol."

Day 6:"I tried grounding today, but the day was too busy and hot. Despite that, I'm content with my progress and am giving myself grace."

Day 7: "At the lake, finally! My usual beach side location was too packed. Found a quiet boat dock area. While I couldn't ground there, I made the most of it by lounging in the back of my car and soaking in the sunshine. Driving home I discovered a pull over spot along the main road that had white'ish flowers and massive boulders. One was perfect to sit and have a place to rest my feet (photo above). Ahh, success!

Reflections: "Despite the bumps along the way, this experience was a challenge I needed and I'm genuinely grateful I gave it a try. As I learn more about the practices of people in 'Blue Zones,' I'm curious about whether their extended lifespans could be attributed in part to their time spent outdoors, walking barefoot on natural terrain, and engaging in gardening. Earthing helped guided me into much needed mental relaxation and present-moment awareness. I may have to do this ever so often."

Side note: Before this post went live, I shared my experiences with my Momma. She decided that day to step outside and put her feet in the sand, like she would when she was a little girl. Later, she said she loved it so I do hope you'll try grounding today. ❤️

Scripture reference: Exodus 3:5 

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Time Well Spent: My 5 Week Self-Care Bingo Board

"Everyone is given the same amount of time, but the depth of the time spent matters..." 

While prepping for the week ahead, I stumbled across a brilliant idea: the self-care bingo board! This habit tracker presents a delightful and rewarding way to invest time in ourselves. Join my 5-week journey of taking care of ourselves, one square at a time. Make a 5x5 grid, add activities you need. Complete one activity per square each week or at your pace. Mark squares as done, aiming for a board "black-out" by week five. Reflect and celebrate at the finish line!  

Example of my board
Ideas include: going to the lake, sipping hot tea, browsing a bookshop, declutter time, and drinking a glass of water. The ideas can be as big or as small as you need.