Saturday, July 1, 2023

Night's Luminary: The Beauty of Saying Goodnight to the Moon

Moon photo by Griffin Wooldridge
I'm curious about the night time rituals you practice that bring you peace and help you unwind. Whether it's indulging in a warm shower, savoring a cozy beverage, or engaging in an evening stretch, we all have our own unique ways of powering down. But have you ever contemplated the simple act of saying good night to the moon?

What a lovely idea. Picture this: You begin making it a evening ritual to step outside, wrapped in a cozy blanket in winter or settling on your patio during the summer, just to bid a heartfelt goodnight to the moon. It's a gentle reminder of the priceless beauty that surrounds us, often taken for granted. You could choose to whisper evening prayers in this serene moment or simply sit in deep appreciation for the day's end. You could take the time to release any lingering emotions before bed and then softly whisper good night to dear Luna. You could spend a few moments reflecting on the countless individuals throughout history who have paused to gaze upon the same moon or contemplate the shared connection with countless others who, at that very moment, are also looking up to admire the moon.

If every night seems too much, how about just during the full moon. Here is the current schedule for full moons of 2023-2024 from the Farmers Almanac: Full Moon Scheduled 

My hope is this inspires you and that it might just be a perfect practice. Are you open to trying this enchanting idea? If so, let me know how it goes and if you decide to make it a cherished part of your evenings. May this moonlit journey guide you into a peaceful night's rest.