Saturday, September 16, 2023

Crack in the Illusion: Let Go of Unrealistic Standards

"Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared to our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate." - Thoreau 

In a world that often chases perfection, the struggle to be flawless can really consume you. Right at this moment, as I'm tapping away on my keyboard, I can't help but recall moments from work earlier today. I tend to dwell too much on the little details of human interactions, always wishing I could've done better. This pursuit of perfection isn't just limited to my job; it sneaks its way into my personal life too, which makes things a bit tricky. Being precise is great, especially as an executive assistant, but it can be quite exhausting for my mind. I find myself unable to stop over-analyzing disagreements, conversations, and even the words I put down in writing. #ruminating

But things are changing. I'm in the process of becoming more gentle with myself and embracing my imperfections. I'm acknowledging my tendency towards perfectionism and working on being comfortable with the idea of making mistakes.

As I put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), I am reminded that this blog is in itself a testament to embracing imperfection. I used to spend hours editing old posts, but not anymore. Silver Trumpets might not be perfect, but it's simply me going through my life of mistakes and miracles.

Life can be wonderful in its imperfections. If you're like me and want everything to be perfect, let's change things up by trying a few things:

  • Ask yourself: Are your standards practical? Fight that need for perfection
  • Be nice to yourself. Mistakes are normal.
  • Challenge negative thoughts and self-critique that pop up often.
  • Figure out what makes you overthink mistakes.

Today, my wish for you is to embrace your individuality and find beauty in what might seem like imperfections because it's those very traits that create who you are!