Saturday, October 28, 2023

From Crossroads to Milestones: 3 Guiding Tips for Change

 “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” —Heraclitus

My 29th birthday was a real challenge. Momma teases me, saying I freaked out more at 8, and this family joke makes me smile. Nevertheless, in 2003, I carried the weight of shortcomings. I'd dropped out of college, which goes against my finish what you start mentality, my living situation echoed dependency, and my romantic relationships held their own complexities. Oh, Life!  

My life is SO different now. It's like I've lived multiple lifetimes in one. Over the years, I changed things. At 32, I got my college degree and began checking off  things from my dreams list. In 2014, I started my family by adopting teens. And in 2021 at the age of 47, I married a great guy I met during the pandemic. 

So reflecting recently, I pondered what has been the compass for me.  Maybe they can help you too.

  1. My Relationship with God: letting scriptures guide me as well as my desire to get closer to Him

  2. Embracing Learning and Growing: trying new things or learning a new skill. Maybe even change jobs. Continue evolving.

  3. Being More Flexible: As things change, move with them like it's a dance. If you get out of step, don't worry, you can get back on beat again.

  4. Create a Meaningful Legacy: Infuse your life with purpose, considering the legacy of inspiration, impact, and cherished memories you're crafting for the future.

But, of course, you don't need me to tell you that life's full of learning, growing, and changing. These just came to me as I was reflecting. 

Today, I'm sipping coffee in my dream bungalow, amazed at how each chapter, whether tough or triumphant, has shaped me. Momma also shared with me a few months ago that she thinks I am the woman generations of my family would hold in high esteem in view of the life I've led. And that warmed me as much as the coffee.

"The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change." - William Arthur Ward