Thursday, October 24, 2013

When Jesus Prayed

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray…” Luke 11:1

This morning, I spent all my time with God focused on this study. Just picture it... hearing the very voice of Jesus as he prayed. The thought almost gives me chills. There is no “exact” method for prayer but Jesus and the scriptures do provide guidance. I love the humility of the disciple to ask Jesus to teach them. It's so honest and real because who is really comfortable the first time they start praying consistently?? Below are some other scriptures on Jesus' prayer life that I like to read:

Jesus teaching & His example
Luke 11:1-13, Matthew 6:5-8 What stands out to you about what he shares?

Matthew 19:13, John 17:1-26 Jesus prayed for others. Who are you praying for?

Matthew 26:36 Christ turned to God when he was in need. He also invited others to pray with him.

Matthew 14:13 & 22-24, and Mark 1:35 Jesus spent time alone with God.

Jesus even spent all night in prayer because of the importance of the decision he had to make the next morning!  Luke 6:12

Pray with persistence: Luke 18:1-8

Prayer isn’t always perfect or “pretty” – Hebrews 5:7 What else does the writer in Hebrews share about Jesus prayer life?