Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Decision to Glorify God

Think back to the last time you had a life changing decision in front of you. How did you make it? Did you pray? Get Advice? Search the scriptures or books? Make a pros verses cons list? Research on the internet for what others do?

Well, I have one of the biggest decisions of my life in front of me. There is a wonderful 15 year old teenager living in my home who just happens to also be a part of the foster care system. As our relationship is deepening, I believe we want to adopt each other but how do I make the final decision that this is the right path to take for both of us? And whatever path is chosen, when times get tough, how am I going to remain confident in my decision?!?!

You might think at this stage the decision would be easy...but life changing decisions are never simple or easy. 

Romans 12:2 says, "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

I want to know what God's will is for me! I know God is trying to do some transformation in my thinking through all this. Today, I heard a woman say that when planning her wedding she really tried to consider what would be most glorifying to God. I felt the Spirit tug at me.

The Spirit is urging me to focus on the path that would most glorify God!

But what does glorifying God mean? Since I'm so detailed oriented, I had to make sure I knew what this common phrase meant. Defined - to glorify means to reveal or make clearer the glory (the magnificence/great beauty/high renown) of God by one's actions. So the question is what path would best reveal God and spotlight Him for others. 

Let's be honest, in most decisions we focused on "what do I want" or "what's best for me" questions. And yet when you think instead (hello, transforming of the mind) "what would best glorify God" that changes everything! 

  • Which choice puts a beautiful spotlight on God?
  • Which path/action reveals Him to others?
  • Is my desire to glorify God the most important factor when making this decision? 

Well, within the thought of glorifying God and considering adoption, these scriptures have been helpful!  

2 Corinthians 8:9
(NLT) "You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich." Adoption is a sacrifice but imitation of my Lord Jesus...that would glorify God.

Hebrews 13:16 (NLT) "And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God." Opening up my life and family...that would glorify God.

John 15:12-13 "This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." Laying down my life, in all the many ways that adoption calls for...that would glorify God. 

After much prayer, I know there is one final "wall' I must climb before I can make the final decision. The Spirit is prompting me to wait until it is climbed and I know that's why I've not been able to make this life changing decision fully yet BUT I believe the ultimate path is becoming more and more clear as God continues to open doors of hope and I focus on the decision to glorify God! 

What about you? Do you have a life-changing decision you need to make? Then, I pray these little thoughts & scriptures help. :)