Sunday, August 11, 2024

You Still Have Time: 3 Creative Activities to Flourish

 You still have time to explore your truest self and sculpt moments that fully support you. 

-Silver Trumpets

Frothy rain chain bucket-we had a break in 100+ temps this weekend!

You still have time.

This simple statement struck a chord in my heart. It whispered that, no matter what age or stage, you can still create moments that meet the needs of your truest self. Often in Summer, life feels overwhelming to me. It's the heat. 😏 But the statement, you still have time, has inspired me to look for new ways to nurture the embers of my overwhelmed spirit.

Here are three creative activities to support and explore your truest self, helping you flourish right now: 

Create an Adventure Canvas: I’m evolving from my old dream list into a novel approach—a "Canvas of Adventure." While I’ve crossed off many dreams, my spirit still craves and whispers it wants new experiences. This process is about visualizing what makes you come alive.

Action: Choose your medium, whether a physical canvas or a digital format, and fill it with visual representations of your desired experiences. Hang it where you see it daily. Then select one experience from your canvas and outline three actionable steps to make it a reality, such as researching and planning logistics. For example, lately something in my soul has been longing to see the Sequoia National Forest. So, after my canvas is complete, I’ll start by researching accommodations, activities, and planning my stay. Without research, our adventures just stay as ideas on a canvas. 

Design a Personal Mythology: Craft a personal mythology that captures your essence and aspirations by having a story that portrays your journey as an epic tale. Incorporate symbols and characters that reflect your values and goals. 

Action: Get creative! Start a mythology that represents your life’s journey and experiences. You could also display this prominently to serve as a source of inspiration and reflection. This will be an inspiration that you can regularly revisit and update to align with your evolving self. (Blog post upcoming with more details providing a how-to on creating this!)

Host a “Future Self” Dinner: Imagine hosting a dinner with your future self and engaging in a deep conversation about your current life or future aspirations. This exercise can help bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. We often can give good advice to others but neglect inspiring or mentoring ourselves in the same way.

Action: Set aside an evening to prepare a special meal or set a table as if hosting your future self as your best friend. Write a letter from this future self-perspective, offering insights and advice to your current self. Include encouragement, quotes, and mentoring inspiration about reaching out towards those moments in the future that support you. 

Remember, you still have time to sculpt a life that fully reflects what makes you feel most alive and happy. Beyond just romanticizing our lives, let’s give ourselves something new to try! Wishing you much peace and special moments in your life that truly support and inspire you.