Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Mythology of Lumavian: The Radiant Wanderer

Welcome to the enchanting world of our heroine, Lumavian. This is a tale of light and shadow based on one of the suggestions in a recent blog post, "You Still Have Time: 3 Creative Activities to Flourish." This is my mythology. As you delve into her story, I hope you discover like I did, how her quest for wisdom and strength illuminates her way, leading her to become a Radiant Wanderer whose light shines brightly in the ever-unfolding journey of life.

Name Pronunciation & Origins: 

* Lumavian (Loo-MAY-vee-un): Derived from “luminous” and “avian,” combining the concepts of light and the qualities of a bird, symbolizing enlightenment and the pursuit of wisdom.

* Valandor (VAH-lan-dor): Crafted from “valiant” and “dor,” which suggests strength and endurance, representing the Wise Mentor’s ancient and courageous guidance. 

* Elandra (Eh-LAN-drah): A blend of “elan,” meaning spirit or enthusiasm, and “andra,” a nod to traditional names, reflecting the moon’s vibrant presence and cyclical nature.

* Mirelock (MY-er-lock): A fusion of “mire,” indicating a difficult situation, and “lock,” suggesting confinement, embodying the Shadow’s role in challenging and restricting Lumavian’s progress.

* Skyshard (SKY-shard): Inspired by “sky,” symbolizing the celestial, and “shard,” denoting a piece of something greater, representing a fragment of the moon’s guiding light and reflection.

The Childhood of Lumavian

In the heart of an ancient forest, where sunlight wove golden threads through towering trees and the wind whispered secrets only the earth could hear, a child was born. This child, known as Lumavian, was unlike any other. From a young age, Lumavian wandered the woods alone, creating entire realms of wonder and mystery within the trees’ embrace. The forest, her first and truest friend, gifted her with an unyielding love for adventure, a thirst for exploring the unknown, and a deep connection to the natural world.

Lumavian’s origins were humble, but her spirit was luminous. She was loved deeply by her family. But even in the warmth of this love, she felt the pull of something greater—a destiny intertwined with the light and shadows of the world. The forest had whispered it to her and the stars had sparkled in agreement.

The Journey: Trials & Triumphs

As Lumavian grew, so did her understanding of the world. The child who played in the woods became a woman who faced the harsh realities of life. She encountered rootlessness, isolation, and the sting of betrayal from those she once called friends. Yet, in every challenge, Lumavian found a lesson. She learned to let go of those who sought to dim her light, to release the weight of negative energies, and to surround herself with only those who uplifted her spirit.

Lumavian discovered that not all who were born like her shared the same values, and thus, not all were meant to remain in her life. However, she found connection and beauty in learning about her ancestry while tracing her lineage back to the mystic lands of Scotland, England, Wales, and Ireland. The ancient stories of her ancestors spoke to her in dreams, weaving tales of wisdom and strength into her soul, guiding her to embrace her heritage.

Through these trials, Lumavian became a little light of strength and stillness. She married later in life, finding love in a man who saw the light within her and cherished it. Together, they built a home and sanctuary where Lumavian could always return safe from her journeys. They traveled and gave her adventure, which was a sweet testament to the life she had always desired. Her heart was full, and her spirit soared.

Heroine's Quest: Seeking Wisdom, Adventure, and Inner Peace

Ultimately, Lumavian’s quest was not one of conquering kingdoms or slaying beasts; it was a journey of wisdom and inner peace. She sought to release the past—those lingering shadows of doubt and fear that occasionally threatened to darken her path. With each passing year, she grew more determined to live fully in the present and to embrace the unknown with courage and hope.

Allies & Heart Companions

Even from her childhood days in the forest, Lumavian was never truly alone on her journey. Valandor, a powerful and ancient spirit, was her guiding force, always present yet unseen. Valandor offered strength, wisdom, and direction, reassuring Lumavian that she was on the right path, even when the way forward seemed unclear. He also sent her the greatest love in a husband who championed her journey, her creative desires, and her passion for adventure.

With the light of Elandra, the moon, Lumavian found her way. Elandra was a companion that often reminded her of life’s cyclical nature—waxing and waning, but always returning with renewed brilliance. Lumavian often spent nights in silent conversations with Elandra, absorbing her calming wisdom. Elandra, served as Lumavian’s celestial ally, while the stars, bursting from the deep blue of the night sky, whispered of Valandor’s wisdom. Both reminded her of the protection from the heavens that surrounded her. In quiet moments of reflection, Lumavian continued her journey, ever growing, ever learning. 

Adversaries: The Shadows

But Lumavian’s journey was not without its adversaries. The most persistent of these was Mirelock, who tempted Lumavian with negative rumination. He was the dark shadow that tried to pull her back into the past, to relive the pains and losses she had endured. Mirelock was insidious, creeping into her thoughts when she least expected it, whispering doubts and fears that threatened to undo all the progress she had made. Each confrontation with Mirelock was a test of her resolve, but with every victory, Lumavian gained greater strength and understanding, learning to transform her shadows into sources of wisdom.

There were also the figures who sought to destroy her sanguinity, those who, out of jealousy or spite, tried to dim her light. But Lumavian was resilient. She had learned to recognize these adversaries and to confront them with the strength and clarity she had cultivated over the years.

Symbols and archetypes: The Lumavian Path

Lumavian’s life was rich with symbols that reflected her values and aspirations. Each year, Lumavian’s planner transformed into a sacred book companion, reflecting Valandor’s guidance. Titles like Charmwoven and Heartistry captured the essence of her journey for that year, holding her thoughts, dreams and plans, while serving as a map of her evolving soul. The Windrose Ring she wore became a symbol of her quest for adventure and wisdom. With its intricate compass rose design, the ring represented her navigation through life's challenges, guiding her with insight and clarity. Its elegant, directional motif embodied the spirit of exploration and the pursuit of knowledge. The Skyshard, with its ethereal glow, symbolized her connection to Elandra, the guardian of the night sky. This luminous crystal embodied the calming, reflective light that guided Lumavian through her most challenging times.

As with many stories, the archetypes in Lumavian’s mythology were powerful and deeply meaningful. The Wise Mentor was embodied by Valandor, the spirit whose ancient wisdom provided guidance and strength. The Guardian was Elandra, ever watchful, ever protective, shining her light on Lumavian’s path during the darkest hours. And The Shadow was Mirelock, the dark force of rumination that Lumavian continually battled.

The Legacy of Lumavian: The Radiant Wanderer

Lumavian’s story is one of resilience, growth, and the relentless pursuit of a life filled with light and adventure. She became the Lumivoyant, a Radiant Wanderer, whose journey was not just about the destinations she reached, but about the light she brought to the path she walked. Her mythology is a testament to the power of inner strength, the importance of wisdom, and the beauty of living a life true to oneself.

To this day, Lumavian continues to wander, radiating light wherever she goes, her spirit as boundless as the sky, her journey ever-unfolding. 

If you are interested in writing your own mythology, here is a simple "how-to" guide to get you started!

woman walking in a forest at night in the light of the full moon

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

From Ordinary to Legendary: Designing Your Own Heroine/Hero's Journey

As a follow up to a recent blog post, I've written a personal mythology and a "how to guide." The idea is to spend some creative time reflecting on your own life to create a fictionally representation of your journey in an inspiring way! This story/mythology, will have a unique narrative that mirrors your values, dreams, and aspirations. For me, crafting a personal myth can be a profound way to explore your inner world and articulate your life's journey. Read mine here!

This guide walks you through a series of thought-provoking questions designed to help you build your own mythological story. (you could use this template and plug it into AI with your answers for a jump start too.) From defining key symbols and archetypes to exploring the heroes and adversaries of your tale, these questions will guide you in weaving a narrative that is as meaningful
and illuminating as the stories that have inspired your in your reading. I hope you'll dive in and start crafting a mythology that is uniquely yours.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you begin:

1. Define Your Core Elements

  • Values: Identify the core values that drive you. What principles guide your decisions and actions?
  • Aspirations: Consider your long-term goals and dreams. What do you aspire to achieve or become?
  • Challenges: Reflect on the obstacles you’ve faced and how they’ve shaped you. What are the trials and triumphs in your story?

2. Create Your Central Characters

  • Hero/Heroine: This represents you. What qualities and attributes does your hero or heroine embody? How do they reflect your personal strengths and challenges?
  • Allies: Identify figures in your life who support and guide you. These can be real people, fictional characters, or symbolic entities.
  • Adversaries: Include challenges or obstacles as characters in your mythology. These represent the struggles you face and overcome.

3. Craft Your Narrative

  • Origin Story: Describe the beginnings of your hero or heroine. What led them to embark on their journey? What were the initial conditions or circumstances?
  • Journey: Outline the key events and milestones in your journey. This includes significant achievements, turning points, and learning moments.
  • Quest: Define the central quest or mission of your hero. What are they striving to achieve? How does this quest reflect your own aspirations?

4. Develop Symbols and Archetypes

  • Symbols: Choose symbols that represent your values and goals. These can be animals, objects, or abstract concepts.
  • Archetypes: Incorporate archetypes like the Wise Mentor, the Guardian, or the Shadow. These figures can help illustrate different aspects of your journey.

5. Visualize and Document

  • Visual Representation: Create a visual map or artwork that depicts your mythology. This could be a drawing, collage, or digital graphic.
  • Written Narrative: Write out your personal mythology as a story or series of vignettes. Use rich, descriptive language to bring your characters and events to life.

6. Integrate and Reflect

  • Display: Place your mythology where you can see it regularly, such as in a journal, on your wall, or as a digital background.
  • Reflect: Regularly revisit and revise your mythology as you grow and evolve. Consider how your experiences and aspirations change over time.


Hero/Heroine: “The Seeker”
Allies: Friends who offer support, mentors who provide wisdom
Adversaries: Challenges such as fear or self-doubt
Quest: To discover and live out their true purpose
Symbol: A compass representing guidance and direction
Archetypes: The Mentor (a guiding figure), The Shadow (internal conflicts)

By following these steps, you can create a compelling and inspiring personal mythology that resonates with your journey and helps you stay connected to your deepest aspirations.

Blue hues; woman with white curls, glowing eyes, surrounded by flowers & moonlight

Monday, August 26, 2024

What is National Women's Equality Day?

Photo of purple, white, and yellow women's suffrage flag flying

On August 26th, the United States celebrates National Women’s Equality Day, honoring the fight for women’s rights that began with the first women’s rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848. Organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Martha Coffin Wright, Mary Ann M'Clintock, and Jane Hunt, the convention introduced the Declaration of Sentiments. This pivotal document addressed the legal and social inequalities faced by women and called for various reforms, including the right to vote. Frederick Douglass, a supporter of women’s suffrage, also attended. After 72 years of relentless advocacy, the 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18 and certified on August 26. Sadly, none of these pioneering figures actually lived to see this victory.

Please remember to vote in your local and national elections. People dedicated their entire lives for us to have this privilege. Be a voice for women as we continue to fight for respect and autonomy today.

Here are some inspiring quotes by Lucretia Mott:

"The great truth which the world has yet to learn is that the equality of men and women is essential to the peace and progress of the world."

"The true remedy for the injustices of woman’s condition is that all men should become as just and benevolent as women have been long forced to be."

Sunday, August 11, 2024

You Still Have Time: 3 Creative Activities to Flourish

 You still have time to explore your truest self and sculpt moments that fully support you. 

-Silver Trumpets

Frothy rain chain bucket-we had a break in 100+ temps this weekend!

You still have time.

This simple statement struck a chord in my heart. It whispered that, no matter what age or stage, you can still create moments that meet the needs of your truest self. Often in Summer, life feels overwhelming to me. It's the heat. 😏 But the statement, you still have time, has inspired me to look for new ways to nurture the embers of my overwhelmed spirit.

Here are three creative activities to support and explore your truest self, helping you flourish right now: 

Create an Adventure Canvas: I’m evolving from my old dream list into a novel approach—a "Canvas of Adventure." While I’ve crossed off many dreams, my spirit still craves and whispers it wants new experiences. This process is about visualizing what makes you come alive.

Action: Choose your medium, whether a physical canvas or a digital format, and fill it with visual representations of your desired experiences. Hang it where you see it daily. Then select one experience from your canvas and outline three actionable steps to make it a reality, such as researching and planning logistics. For example, lately something in my soul has been longing to see the Sequoia National Forest. So, after my canvas is complete, I’ll start by researching accommodations, activities, and planning my stay. Without research, our adventures just stay as ideas on a canvas. 

Design a Personal Mythology: Craft a personal mythology that captures your essence and aspirations by having a story that portrays your journey as an epic tale. Incorporate symbols and characters that reflect your values and goals. 

Action: Get creative! Start a mythology that represents your life’s journey and experiences. You could also display this prominently to serve as a source of inspiration and reflection. This will be an inspiration that you can regularly revisit and update to align with your evolving self. (Blog post upcoming with more details providing a how-to on creating this!)

Host a “Future Self” Dinner: Imagine hosting a dinner with your future self and engaging in a deep conversation about your current life or future aspirations. This exercise can help bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. We often can give good advice to others but neglect inspiring or mentoring ourselves in the same way.

Action: Set aside an evening to prepare a special meal or set a table as if hosting your future self as your best friend. Write a letter from this future self-perspective, offering insights and advice to your current self. Include encouragement, quotes, and mentoring inspiration about reaching out towards those moments in the future that support you. 

Remember, you still have time to sculpt a life that fully reflects what makes you feel most alive and happy. Beyond just romanticizing our lives, let’s give ourselves something new to try! Wishing you much peace and special moments in your life that truly support and inspire you.