Friday, May 31, 2024

Into the Wild: LOTR-inspired month with Strider (Aragorn)

 "Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace." 

My garden roses in my library vase.
Hey fellow travelers! Here is a peek into my month of May which I attempted to fill with inspiration from "The Lord of the Rings,"  particularly focusing on the legendary figure, Aragorn, or as some may know him, Strider. I chose these themes below to represent Strider because to me they mirror his resourcefulness in nature.

Emergency Preparedness

I'm a strong advocate for contingency planning, so I immersed myself in a survival guide packed with practical insights titled "Survive and Thrive: How to Prepare for Any Disaster Without Ammo, Camo, or Eating Your Neighbor"  by Fulton & Devon. This was a well-rounded resource that helped me reassess my emergency preparations and make necessary adjustments. One unexpected challenge this month was my car's alternator failing, reminding me of the importance of having emergency savings and of knowing of a trusted mechanic in town. Additionally, Oklahoma's unpredictable weather and frequent tornadoes motivated me to learn a new skill. I dedicated time to learning knot tying techniques on YouTube. Among the knots I'm practicing is the bowline knot which has emerged as a reliable favorite, perfect for securing items or creating a loop that won't slip under pressure. While knot tying may not be commonly taught to women, I recognize its value in various situations, from emergencies to outdoor activities with friends or kids, and even home organization tasks. I'm eager to expand my knot tying skills with guidance from my Papa, an experienced sailor who's well-versed in this essential skill!

Fresh & Herbal

My next goal for May was motivated by Strider's skill of using natural remedies. I researched the idea of "food as medicine," with a specific focus on fresh fruits and herbs. I dedicated time to juicing oranges and sampling different teas for relaxation. I also researched common herbs to add to my food more often like ginger, garlic, and cinnamon. Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries became more prominent in my diet this month as well since they have numerous health benefits. These berries are known for boosting heart health, regulating blood sugar levels, and alleviating inflammation.

In Conclusion

May has had its ups and downs, but I choose to remember it as a month of growth as I embraced some skills of a ranger. Next month, I'm shifting my focus to Faramir. He's portrayed as a thoughtful and noble character. Stay tuned, as I plan to visit a labyrinth in June!

Below are some cute animal pictures...just because! 

Jax sunning himself in the library window.

Gunner, dutch shepherd, giving a happy smile one morning.

Bubby having no cares as he relaxes in my lap.

All three Ragamese cats enjoying fresh air from a window and bird watching