Monday, December 10, 2012

Ana's Baskets

I'm so excited about the December donation drive God put on my heart this year! I'm partnering with a woman named Ana to help domestic violence victims and their children. She has a program at an organization called Safe Haven. In her program, Ana's baskets, she collects cleaning supplies to give to clients who are leaving the shelter to go into their new residence away from the current nightmare they are fleeing. Since she was a former client...she really knows what would encourage them and be most helpful.  

Ana was so excited when I emailed her to let her know. I'm calling the donation drive "A Fresh Start for a New Year!" I purchased a cute, heavy duty laundry basket and people are donating all kinds of cleaning supplies. Sometimes they are even just dropping supplies by my office when I'm at meetings and I don't even know who gave them. Ah, God bless those who are so generous in secret! I can just imagine how much help this will be to these victims of violence to know they are setting off on the right foot in their new homes!

We all need a fresh start sometimes. :)