Monday, April 29, 2024

April LOTR Month - Treebeard/Ents

April was my Treebeard month, and let me tell you, it was a journey worth taking! Initially uncertain about how it would unfold, I found myself pleasantly surprised by the outcome. I dedicated a blissful day to wandering through the forest, immersing myself in nature's embrace and allowing time to simply unfold at its own pace.

One of the highlights of the month was experiencing the total solar eclipse, a breathtaking spectacle that left me in awe of the universe's wonders. And to top it off, our beloved rescue kittens celebrated their first year of life, a milestone marking their growth and journey since joining our family.

Now, for a bit of context on the goals of the month. Since Treebeard and the Ents from Middle-earth are guardians of trees and forests, I let them serve as my inspiration. They also carry a slow and contemplative approach to life, mirroring the rhythms of nature itself. So, to embody the contemplative spirit of the Ents, this month I incorporated the following: 

  1. Nature Immersion: I dedicated ample time to immerse myself in nature, soaking in the serenity of the forest in Chickasaw National Recreation area. There I embraced the quiet and listened to the rhythm of the environment, allowing myself to observe, listen, and reflect deeply, just as the Ents do.

  2. Mindful Movement: I slowed down physically in simple tasks like walking and stretching to mundane chores like washing dishes and picking up the house. I tuned into the sensations of my body, the rhythm of my breath, and the present moment, fostering a sense of calm and presence.

  3. Tech-Free Retreats: I took short breaks to disconnect from technology and reconnect with the world around me. Sometime gazing out the window, strolling outdoors, or simply sitting for a moment and closing my eyes, I embraced moments of stillness and inner reflection. 

    In essence, my Treebeard month was a testament to the power of slowing down, immersing myself in nature, and embracing the beauty of special moments. It left me feeling deeply grounded and connected to the world around me.

    Me enjoying a small field of bluebonnets

     Eclipse short video here: April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse 

    My photo of the total solar eclipse

    4 week old kittens - 1st night home

    Kittens - celebrating their 1st birthday!
    cozy breakfast
    Honey & I right before the eclipse


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Emergency Prepping: A Woman's Perspective

Let's talk about emergency prepping. As a woman who values being prepared, I want to share my simple approach to emergency prepping. 

Here's what works for me:

1. Think Ahead: Anticipate potential emergencies.

2. Have a General Plan: Establish a basic strategy for various scenarios.

3. Add Items Monthly: Continuously build on your preparedness over time.

Common emergencies to consider include health and safety, fires, tornadoes, sheltering in place, and getting home or bugging out. Fortunately, preparations for one often cover others!  

Today, with a level 4 tornado threat looming, I refreshed our backpacks, added snacks, and positioned them for quick access if needed. Over the years, I've expanded our supplies to accommodate various scenarios, from camping situations to evacuations.

Most of the items in our backpacks are extra clothes, essentials, and first aid supplies. Remember, you don't have to be a hardcore prepper; simply having a backpack with emergency items and a plan can make all the difference. ❤️

Husband's pack 

Clothing, crank light/radio, Mylar blankets, life straw, zip ties, measuring tape, scissors, electronic and bathroom essentials, hubs firearm

Wife's pack. Mine is smaller because I also carry a crossover purse that holds some of my EDC essentials and my firearm

Hat, water, gloves, clothes, spare glasses, first aid kit, mylar blankets and water purifying tablets, pyro putty- fire starter even if wet, knife, flashlight, hand warmers

Simple Yet Effective: Basic prep brings peace of mind. ❤️

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Unbound by Time - A Book Recommendation: "This Is How You Lose the Time War"

 "In the tapestry of time, our threads intertwine, creating patterns of beauty and chaos."

Book's cover - Red cardinal with its reflection a bluejay

There's something captivating about a book that whisks you away into a different world, isn't there? This is How You Lose the Time War  did just that for me, pulling me into its poetic embrace and refusing to let go until I listened to the final word. I devoured it in just two days.

Now, full disclosure: science fiction isn't usually my first pick from the bookshelf. But this novella? It felt like a breath of fresh air in a genre I often overlook. What struck me was the unique collaboration between the authors. I had read that each author wrote for one of the characters, and although there was a general outline, character reactions were created by "receiving" each other's letters.

Red, an engineered operative, embodies efficiency and control, while Blue is a fluid and shape-shifting creature. These agents, on opposing sides of the war, defy our societal norms. Since they exist beyond our conventional descriptions, don't get caught up in their she/her pronouns. It's better to simply view them as “human-like” warriors or augmented beings, navigating different time threads. I say this because the love they speak of is more of a connection that exists in intellectual respect and emotional vulnerability, rather than being rooted in physical intimacy. [zero spice book] As far as the battle, just know the two sides of the war, represented by the Commander and the Garden, serve as fitting symbols of the authority of war versus the desire for freedom and connection.

If you have a poetic heart, I highly recommend this book and that you just let yourself sink into the prose, relishing each twist and turn without worrying too much about what comes next. I recommend the audio book, but I'll likely purchase a physical copy to pick up sometimes for inspiration and to keep the magic close.  

I hope you consider this one with its blend of science fiction and poetry.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Poetry - "Deceptive Whispers: America's Theocratic Ouija"

Beware American theocracy,
where dogma is a thief.
Steering laws toward one creed,
infringing on other’s beliefs.
This political Ouija,
a fusion of doctrine and power,
Religious might controls law oversight;
our liberty devoured.

Within chambers of authority,
where religion and rights collide,
Leaders wield agendas of prejudice
but say they are our guides.

Creating bills and laws against us
to set society's frame,
while eroding the freedoms of women
and those whose faith is not the same.

I'm a follower of Jesus, through and through. One of the things that has me, "all churched out" these past few years is how much believers try 
to force Christian beliefs on those who have not personally decided to follow Christ. I've seen politicians work hard to make laws that force
others towards following scripture instead of letting personal faith be the guide. So I've been cultivating my thoughts on the theocracy I'm
seeing lately in America. After reflection, I wrote this poem and wanted to include these thoughts below.

"The interplay of religion and politics is intricate and often contentious. While religion can positively shape democratic engagement, it also carries negative implications:

  1. Religious Intolerance: Religion can divide, fostering discrimination against minorities and undermining democratic ideals of equality.

  2. Suppression of Freedoms: Rigid religious doctrines may curb individual autonomy, particularly concerning reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ issues.

  3. Claims of Representation: Religious leaders asserting authority for the entire populace risk excluding diverse perspectives within democracy.

  4. Political Ambitions: When religion merges with politics, it incentivizes religious groups to seek power, potentially compromising the common good.

  5. Religious Authoritarianism: Religious nationalism can fuel authoritarian regimes, suppressing dissent and civil liberties for political ends."

    Honestly, the blend of our of personal religion and politics is a mixed bag. It can inspire civic involvement but also breed intolerance and curb freedoms. My poem is a small way I'm delving into these issues to express how I see the religious influence in politics threatening our personal lives in 2024. It's a reminder to myself to remain vigilant in safeguarding our democracy and hopefully an encouragement to those who are feeling the same.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Nature Dances with Wind: Visiting Sulphur, Oklahoma

Me standing with my back to the camera, looking upstream, pulling my hair up into a bun

In the heart of Sulphur, Oklahoma, lies a sanctuary where I find that nature dances with wind and waters sing a soothing song. One goal for my April LOTR month, which is focused on Treebeard, the Ent, was to spend a day in a forest. Last weekend I found myself immersed in the beauty around Veterans Lake and then enjoyed the enchanting calm of Pebbles Falls located in the Chickasaw National Recreation Reserve. These moments below offered a sanctuary for my spirit and a much-desired refuge from everyday chaos.

I ventured over first to Veterans Lake and made the scenic drive up to the water’s edge. I spent some time just watching a duck plunge below for food. It would pop up yards from where it descended, and I enjoyed trying to guess where it would emerge. My hour spent there was calming, and I especially enjoyed the deep blue waves rushing across the lake. Next, I drove to the reserve and found a place that only allowed one car to park. Perfect! Bird songs, mostly of Tufted Titmice, filled the air and I wandered down the bank into the middle of the stream so I could stand and be completely surrounded by the cool forest and waterfall sounds. Looking downstream, I suddenly noticed two Yellow-crowned Night-Herons waiting patiently for a morsel to float their way. The moment was beautiful!

As I drove home, I traveled with a lighter heart and rejuvenated spirit. The last stop on my journey this weekend was to pull over and take some pictures with bluebonnets which are a rare sight in Oklahoma. With each click of my camera this weekend, I immortalized the resilience and grace of nature -- honestly it left an indelible mark on my soul. So much so that my husband joined me the very next day and we drove up there again to visit the same places! I love him so. Below are a few photos. Click this link if you want to take 1 minute to sit with me while we listen to a stream and the wind dance.

Picture of two herons standing still on fallen branches in the middle of a stream

Picture of me sitting in the back of my vehicle listening to birds sing
Me standing with my back to the camera in the middle of the waterfall looking up stream

Waterfall - pic. 1

Waterfall - pic 2

Me standing, back to camera, in the middle of a stream with my arms raised to the side enjoying the sunshine
Me in front of a city fountain, wearing sunglasses

Lake's green shoreline with deep blue water and light blue sky

Me standing in front of a tree blooming with white flowers

White flowers in a tree

Bluebonnets in a field surrounded by green grass with a bee sipping from one of the flowers

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

March - Bilbo Baggins' Month

This month I celebrated my 50th trip around the sun! Since my year is focused on a different character each month from the Lord of the Rings, I decided that this would be the perfect month for me to focus on celebrating my own milestone birthday just as Bilbo Baggins celebrated his 111th birthday in the story.

I didn't plan a huge party, that's not my style, but after gathering a lot of ideas from others I decided on a small trip with my husband and parents. We rented an AirBnB and headed off to a romantic candlelight concert with the Listeso String Quartet playing a tribute to the rock band, Queen! [photos below] 

Lifestyle: For this LOTR month, I wanted to focus on celebrating simple joys and some cozy lifestyle practices of hobbits. How? Well, by taking part in "Elevenses" of course! It's a cherished tradition among hobbits to enjoy a mid-morning snack, typically consisting of tea and perhaps some biscuits, cakes, or other treats. This cozy ritual allowed them to take a break from their daily activities and indulge in a moment of relaxation and refreshment. So Monday-Friday, I set an alarm for Elevenses and took a tea break. This worked out perfect for me because I'm terrible at taking work breaks and they are so good for your mind and body. 

Nature: Hobbits are depicted as having a strong connection to the land and a deep appreciation for agriculture and gardening. Bilbo Baggins was no exception since he was known for being fond of gardening and growing things. In light of this, I decided to plant some perennial Columbines in our yard on the north side. Check them out, here. That side of the house had been very bare but now it's filled with early bird purple-yellow, red-yellow, and blue-white variety. They looked wonderful against our bungalow's blue hardy board. I planted a rose bush and daffodils last year -- and both flourished so I'm hopeful these columbines will grow well and bloom year after year.

Also, I watched The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies movie, celebrated Tolkien's Reading Day on March 25th, and began reading The Hobbit book for the 1st time. I have a beautiful imitation leather set so I'm excited to read them!

As I bid farewell to March, I'm grateful for the simple joys and cozy traditions inspired by my studies of Bilbo Baggins and hobbits. From a serene candlelight concert with loved ones, refreshing Elevenses tea breaks and getting some beautiful flowers in the soil, this month has reminded me of the importance of treasuring life's small pleasures. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Rocket Blooms: Redefining Columbine Flowers

Columbine flowers; blue with a white center

As I pull into our driveway or pass by on the street, I'm now greeted by a new burst of colors – columbine flower bushes standing tall against the blue hardy board siding of our bungalow. These vibrant blooms, which remind me of space rockets, hold a special significance for me, stemming from my first encounter with their sunny yellow variety at my previous 2010 starter home. I've planted three new bushes this week with the hope that they will grow and soften up the north side of our little home in a delightful array of red-yellow, purple-yellow, and blue-white hues.

Beyond their visual appeal, columbine flowers carry deeper meanings. In folklore, they symbolize love and union, believed by some to attract true love into one's life. What's remarkable about these blooms is their resilience – delicate yet hardy, they thrive in diverse climates, a testament to their adaptability and strength.

Though the word "columbine" may stir somber memories for some, tied to past tragedies, I'm choosing to redefine its significance. For me, these blooms represent beauty, adventure, and simple joys. As they stand proudly on the side of my house, adding a touch of color, they hopefully brighten not only our home but also the day of those who pass by.

Columbine flowers; purple with a yellow center

Columbine flowers; red with a yellow center

Side of a house showing three columbine blushes next to blue hardy board