Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Self Care Gift Box - Introverts Retreat

I've decided to help my self care by purchasing monthly gift boxes with self care items. I highly recommend it since you can subscribe and then the just pop up at your door. Personally, I love the Introverts Retreat. Just thought I'd share my favorite.

Introverts Retreat - "Making a little alone-time retreat is one of the best ways for introverted women to turn away from a busy world filled with too much human interaction. After a long day, week, or weekend of people-ing, sometimes the best thing ever is just sitting down with a new book and filling your time some good ol’ pampering. If this sounds like the perfect retreat, then we are the box for you! Every month, we personally curate our boxes with introverted women in mind, and we are constantly looking for new items to help bring on the peace and quiet."

Sample of one I received