Friday, January 24, 2014

The Law & Grace

passion flower from my garden
Excerpt below is from the book, One Way Love - Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World. 

Just as it is difficult to experience forgiveness without some knowledge of what you have done wrong, so it is difficult to understand Grace apart from the Law. If the Law is the first word, Grace is the last. Listen closely: 

The Law exposes us, while Grace exonerates us. 
The Law diagnoses, but Grace delivers. 
The Law accuses, Grace acquits.
The Law condemns the best of us, while Grace saves the worst of us. 
The Law says, "cursed," Grace says, "blessed."
The Law says, "slave," Grace says, "daughter/son"
The Law says, "guilty," Grace says, "forgiven."
The Law can break a hard heart, but only Grace can heal one.

Grace = the unmerited favor of God through Jesus Christ's sacrifice for each individual

Beautiful love!!!