Monday, February 27, 2012

Battle Cries & Power Moves

Every hero needs a battle cry. ~ Jaime Ridler

I'm reading a great book by Christine Mason Miller called "Desire to Inspire." In it there are stories by artists about creativity, motivation, and inspiration. Different contributors also provide little exercises to get your creative juices flowing and the other day one caught my eye. As I read it I thought of how much it could encourage someone in their walk with God. The exercise is titled "The Superhero in You."

There are two parts of this exercise I wanted to share because I think they are fun and unique. The first is to choose a battle cry. It could be just a simple word or a simple sentence. Have you ever thought about having one? A battle cry would inspire you to bold action. There is only one word for the moment that wraps up all that is going on in my life whether spiritually, personally, or professionally. My battle cry is, "Adventure!" I asked a few others if they would share their battle cry and some of the responses I received were:

(and yes, I counted how many EE's she used - ha)
"Not of this world!"
"The time has come, let us be brave!"
"Thrive and Flourish!"
"God's got my back!"

I've also heard of battle cries of "God is victor!" and "Let's do this!" Some friends needed time to think about it and I hope you will take some time and think of yours too. I imagine that through the years our battle cries will change so no aren't stuck with just one.

The second is to create your power move. This is such a fun idea that I'm going to quote her directly: "Imagine you have a secret move, one that activates your confidence and invokes your strength. Try a few possibilities. Standing tall?  Hands on hips? Raising your chin? Flicking your hair? Choose what feels powerful and then practice this stance on the subway, at your desk, and at the market. Use this pose whenever you need a little boost of heroic energy."

So what's my power move? Well, it's kind of dance where I rock my shoulders side to side and while snapping my fingers I say, "ooooh, look at me and my bad self." It's a line from the animation movie "The Emperor's New Groove." I don't know why I ever stopped using it because when I did it again my spirits were lifted. SO, what's your power move? Is it one of the examples above? Some other suggestions are to flex your arm muscles at yourself in the mirror (it's okay if it makes you laugh), or maybe it's a combination of saying your battle cry along with one fist pumped in the air? Could it be eyes closed, arms raised, and head back? A fighting stance? Hands in prayer position? The possibilities are endless.

If you have other battle cries or power moves, please share them with us by making a comment. I can't wait to hear from you!