Wednesday, February 26, 2014


It's a tough week. After the particular drama of yesterday, I had to steal away and get some restful time with God before bed. So I grabbed my organic black tea, my journal, and probably the one book I've read 15+ times since I became a Christian. [Even God Rested - highly recommend!]

I was reading the sections about "Ceasing from Stress" & "Feasting on Balance." I know deep down that what is going on in my life is out of my control: There are some financial troubles at the university I work for and everyone is stressed, I'm waiting on news from my adoption specialist about if CPS will accept or reject my home study for two sibling groups, my immediate family are all 'under the weather,' friends are struggling and friendships are changing plus my endo is flaring up this week. But I must keep placing these things gently in God's hands...and I tend to have to do this over and over again because I'm hard-headed...and beautifully human. The blessing of this at least is that it does tend to keep me in a constant conversation with God!

In my nature, I want to help, do more, be more. So as I read last night, these words in the book get in my face like someone who wants to fight, "...retire from superwoman status....The overcommitter and perfectionist in us will crave superwomanhood, but we will have to allow those beasts to go hungry while they are being tamed."

How about you? Are there any things in your life right now that you need to place in God's gentle hands? Do you need to hang up your cape and toss your shiny boots into the closet? If so, I've prayed for you just now. I've prayed you'll put on your comfy clothes, slip onto the couch next to God and whisper into his ear all the things in your world that are on your mind as you place each one in His open, Mighty hands.

Psalm 116: 1-2 "I love the Lord for he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath."