Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Destination Diva

Stop being a chicken. Oh yeah, i said it! *laughing*

Let's talk about travel. I'm not talking family vacations. I'm talking about just you and God getting out there and exploring the world he created. I travel a bit and recently I have been traveling solo. What's that you say? You could never do that? I beg to differ. Do you think I just busted out one day on my own, wild and fancy free? Of course not. People act as though I've been blessed with something special that allows me to 'get out there.' Don't fall for that...I know I don't. Here's how I went from scared straggler to destination diva.

Begin small. Go to a restaurant alone. (ooooh, scary) I know. I've done it. Do you know what helped me? A book. I took a book to read while I was waiting and then sometimes I'd take a journal. You might start questioning yourself, "Gee, do I look nerdy and pathetic sitting here all alone?" The answer is no. People find you mysterious. People find you confident. People find you inspiring, cause you know what? Everyone finds it awkward to eat alone so to see someone do see anyone eat alone shows spunk. All that from a simple dinner. (or even try lunch at first) Do it once a month for 3 months...and after that time, if you never want to do it again. Fine. But after that, you can always say you did it.

Or you can even go to a yourself. To make it easier the first time or two, go to an early show. Do you know what I found when I did that? Other women, enjoying an early show. HA. There we were...all sitting and waiting for the movie 'Chicago' to start. This showed me that there is no reason I or anyone else should give in to the fear that you are the only one being only one. You can also wander around a museum or sit in the shade on a warm summer's day in the park. These are great chances to talk to God about everything and they can help build your confidence. There is really no one around to worry about, people to please, or's only you and God. (even with strangers around)

After that, go on a vacation with a best friend. Wait...this isn't traveling solo! Yeah, I know but here's the thing...sometimes it helps to travel with someone to learn 'how' to travel well. Just today, I was reading about Naomi and Ruth. Talk about two women who traveled. Ha. My best friend and I have taken several vacations together but what was special was we didn't spend every waking hour together. We allowed each other TONS of space. We'd drive to a the beach...and wander our separate ways and spend time with God. We'd go to a B&B in some random town and I'd take a bubble bath then nap while she'd spend an hour or so outside on the balcony painting. Our vacations weren't just about us as friends but as individuals desiring more closeness with God. All these little activities and vacations helped me to have the courage to travel solo.

And wow, am I happy I had been getting prepared when I think about my most recent vacation. This vacation was going to be my first, as a single adult, out of the country. I was going to 'conquer' Iceland. Two women said they would go too but cancelled after I had already purchased my non-refundable flight and taken vacation time from work. Yet since I had traveled before...I knew how to plan. I made the decision this would just have to be a vacation with God. Then I planned, maybe even over-planned, to help my confidence. I also had a shirt made for my adventure to help strengthen my resolve:

I wore this shirt on the plane when I flew from the United States. So how was the trip, you ask? Wow...It Was Flawless. Also, when I met people on the plane or in restaurants and they found out I was traveling solo to Iceland they were super encouraging! I realized I wasn't alone and when I was tempted to 'feel' alone, God pressed it on my heart how close he really was to me. :) I grew so much in my relationship with God during that trip. Some life changing decisions were made there...which brings me back to the point of why I'm encouraging you to get out there with Him and go on adventures.

I might blog later about other tips and tricks but mainly I just wanted to share:

Don't sell yourself short! With God, you can do anything...even eat solo, movie watch solo or travel solo. Trust's good to get alone with God and have some adventures.
If you have stories too, I'd love to hear them so send me a comment!