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Monday, April 22, 2024

Poetry - "Deceptive Whispers: America's Theocratic Ouija"

Beware American theocracy,
where dogma is a thief.
Steering laws toward one creed,
infringing on other’s beliefs.
This political Ouija,
a fusion of doctrine and power,
Religious might controls law oversight;
our liberty devoured.

Within chambers of authority,
where religion and rights collide,
Leaders wield agendas of prejudice
but say they are our guides.

Creating bills and laws against us
to set society's frame,
while eroding the freedoms of women
and those whose faith is not the same.

I'm a follower of Jesus, through and through. One of the things that has me, "all churched out" these past few years is how much believers try 
to force Christian beliefs on those who have not personally decided to follow Christ. I've seen politicians work hard to make laws that force
others towards following scripture instead of letting personal faith be the guide. So I've been cultivating my thoughts on the theocracy I'm
seeing lately in America. After reflection, I wrote this poem and wanted to include these thoughts below.

"The interplay of religion and politics is intricate and often contentious. While religion can positively shape democratic engagement, it also carries negative implications:

  1. Religious Intolerance: Religion can divide, fostering discrimination against minorities and undermining democratic ideals of equality.

  2. Suppression of Freedoms: Rigid religious doctrines may curb individual autonomy, particularly concerning reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ issues.

  3. Claims of Representation: Religious leaders asserting authority for the entire populace risk excluding diverse perspectives within democracy.

  4. Political Ambitions: When religion merges with politics, it incentivizes religious groups to seek power, potentially compromising the common good.

  5. Religious Authoritarianism: Religious nationalism can fuel authoritarian regimes, suppressing dissent and civil liberties for political ends."

    Honestly, the blend of our of personal religion and politics is a mixed bag. It can inspire civic involvement but also breed intolerance and curb freedoms. My poem is a small way I'm delving into these issues to express how I see the religious influence in politics threatening our personal lives in 2024. It's a reminder to myself to remain vigilant in safeguarding our democracy and hopefully an encouragement to those who are feeling the same.